Friday, April 10, 2009

The Faith of a Child...

Tonight Ivan has blessed our family in two most unexpected ways...

1) He twisted his gum wrapper into a little silver challis (like Nana taught him some time ago). Then he came and found me while I was drying my hair and told me that he would put it on the dinning room table (my parents were coming to dinner and then Mom and I were going to sing at church) and that it was like Jesus' cup from the Last Supper.

2) Then at dinner we asked Ivan to say "his" blessing first. He started off as usual "God is great, God is good..." then, however, he went on to say something that must have been in his heart from the Holy Spirit: "Thank you Jesus for dieing on the cross today for our sins and rescuing us so that we will no longer listen to him." Wow, I was stunned at how much he has been taking in our talk about Jesus dieing for us and about how we are not to listen to Satan, but to God alone.

Thank you Lord for showing me, first hand, the love and faith of a child. Ivan is the greatest blessing I have ever received...thank you, thank you, thank you, a thousand times, thank you.