Friday, March 18, 2011


Today Ivan turns 7 years old!  What?  How did that happen?  (I think I say that every year, and I MEAN it every year too!!)  I still remember him when we first met him.  So tiny and precious and just utterly perfect.  He is still all of those things to me except tiny.  While he will never be the tallest in his class, he likely won't be the shortest either.  God will reveal that in His time.  He still has a smile that will melt anyones heart.  He laughs often and genuinely.  He plays hard and sleeps hard.  He feels deeply and thinks even deeper.  He astounds me with some of his questions, especially about the Trinity and the power of the Holy Spirit.  Thankfully the Holy Spirit has provided me with some good answers when I was completely boggled about how to answer a question.  He loves his cousin C about as much as any friend he has ever had.  They are like siblings - only better because they are only together a couple of days a week, so they don't argue as much.  He adores his dog Oliver (who looks nothing like that picture now that his adult coat has arrived) and they play often in the backyard.  He loves to put Oliver's food bowl down and cover it with his hands and say "This is MY food and you CAN eat it."  Then he uncovers the food and walks away.  Oliver thinks Ivan is the greatest human ever and loves to help wake him in the morning before school.

My kid rocks and I feel so blessed to have been chosen to be his Mom.  I think about his birth mom a lot around this time of year.  Wondering what she must be thinking and or feeling, knowing that I will never know or really understand.  I am certain that the day does not pass unnoticed.  You don't carry a life in your womb for 9 months then give birth and forget.  I know that much at least.  I pray for her to know that he is well and thriving and LOVED beyond belief.  I pray that she is comforted in the knowledge that he was adopted and not raised in the orphanage.

7, my goodness how fast you have arrived.  No longer a little boy, but a boy.  Before I know it you will be a preteen, and then a full fledged (shutter) teenager!  And then an adult.  11 years until legally you will be considered one anyway.  There are so many adventures to experience between now and then and so many after that time too.  I can't wait to watch them all unfold and walk them with you when that is the right thing to do.  I love you son, like I have never loved anything or anyone.  Keep being wonderful you, always.

Lord, I thank you for the precious gift that you bestowed on me and J.  Keep helping us to raise him as you would will it.  Keep him safe in your arms.  Amen.