Friday, September 30, 2011

Quick Takes #1

Wow, the above was easy to add thanks to Jennifer's quick and easy template.  Thanks to Ellen for sharing that little tip with those of us who are "Blogger Challenged" like me!

 --- 1 ---
It's been way too long since I have posted here.  It's not that we haven't been busy, it's just that I want to share something important and worth remembering.  However, for the sake of memory keeping I must drop that requirement and just get on here and post sometimes.  Otherwise, I forget half of the little things that I want to remember!

--- 2 ---
Ivan is well into second grade now (the first day of school was August 15).  He is thoroughly enjoying his teachers.  I say teachers because he has a student teacher in his class for the first semester.  She has attended Liberty University and has been studying to become a teacher at a Christian School.  She has four children and honestly looks younger than me!  She seems great and Ivan likes her a lot.  His primary teacher is a little older than me and has two children who attend Ivan's school.  So far he is having a very successful year in all respects.  We'll take each week as it comes though.

--- 3 ---
Our sweet Cairn Terrier, Oliver, continues to be a sweet, little, delight for the whole family.  He has hair for days, but thankfully doesn't really shed.  I am trying to get a handle on how to hand strip his coat myself, at least partially.  To have it done by a professional is very expensive.  

--- 4 ---
I am no longer watching my wonderful niece CCB in the afternoons, as she has started kindergarten this fall.  Her school does not get out until 3:45, so there is no need for me to watch her.  I miss seeing her on a regular basis and so does Ivan.  However, it gives me some time back that I was spending in carline at preschool.  

--- 5 ---
J and Ivan visited the USS Yorktown with their Y-Guides tribe last weekend.  They had a blast from all reports.  They slept on the boat for two nights and ate all of their meals on the boat.  Ivan even brought me back a recipe for 10,000 chocolate chip cookies.  The recipe calls for 500 eggs.  It is said that when the ship was active they made this recipe at least every other day. 

--- 6 ---
While the boys were on their trip  I was here alone for 48 hours (just me and Oliver).  It was bliss.  I really needed the time to myself.  They arrived home Sunday afternoon and I felt recharged and rested.

--- 7 ---
Last, but certainly not least, J and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary this month.  I love him so much, and know that he is the man that God wanted me to partner with for this lifetime and I am so grateful.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!