Today is the first day of Ivan's Fall Break. He is off from school for the next three days. I think that we were both ready for a little freedom from our rigid school routine.
This morning when I rolled down the stairs at 7:07 I was met by a sweet surprise. The lights were out downstairs. I knew that Ivan was awake and downstairs, I had heard him closing a cabinet door only moments before. When my feet hit the bottom step he jumped out and yelled "Happy Fall Break, Mommy!" Then he showed me that he had fixed me breakfast (my choice of granola bars displayed on the kitchen table) and a glass of water. Since this is what he sees me eat almost every Sunday morning - one of the few days he sees me eat breakfast - this was an appropriate breakfast selection. He had also made me a lovely poster reading "Happy Fall Break!" that was pinned to the cork board in the kitchen. It was a very sweet start to what I hope will be a fun Fall Break.