This past Sunday the pastor at the church we are currently attending gave a phenomenal example about how God intends for us to bond with our spouse through love making. I am recording it here because I think that it is a great example for us to use with Ivan when the time comes to have "those" chats.
Pastor Patrick has been giving a sermon series called "Love Makers" for the past several weeks. He has covered many topics about love and marriage etc. This weeks sermon was on sex within marriage. He covered a lot of areas of this topic in a wonderful and humor filled way. The one I was most intrigued by was the one using Duct Tape.
He started by telling us how if you can't fix something with duct tape, then it likely can't be fixed. Then he stuck two clean pieces of duct tape together and showed us how when you try to pull these two pieces apart it is nearly impossible. In fact, he was unable to do so. All of his pulling resulted in the two pieces staying firmly together, but tearing along the edges. That is the way God intends for us to be in marriage - bonded so tightly and purely that nothing can separate us. That bond is strengthened through our physical act of love making together. It is God's plan that we will marry our spouse and be pure and clean like a fresh piece of duct tape.
Then he took a piece of duct tape and ran around the sanctuary sticking it to several items, sweaters, rugs, walls etc. Each item making the duct tape less sticky and less likely to stick to the next item. Finally, when he placed the duct tape to his own clothing, it fell off with only the slightest touch. By being stuck to so many other items, it had lost its purity and was unable to stay stuck to anything. It's Gods plan that husband and wife share that special time making love, but He made that time for married people - not just your latest girlfriend or boyfriend no matter what society tells you.
I pray that J and I are able to share this with Ivan when the time is right. It is a vivid picture about how much stronger our bond will be with our spouse if we save that special moment for them and them alone.