It is with the heaviest of hearts that I write today. After 13 glorious years of love and friendship we had to say good-bye to our "little man" Sherman on Wednesday night. On Wednesday February 25 Sherman lost the use of his right hind leg, which had been his "good leg" since he had developed arthritis in his left leg about a year ago. After several Dr.'s appointments over the past week it was finally determined that Sherman had developed a tumor at the base of his brain-stem. The Dr.'s informed us that there was no hope of recovery and that the complications would only increase and place Sherman in pain and distress. We made the decision to let Sherman go before anymore complications arose. We know now that Sherman is waiting for us at the rainbow bridge with all of his favorite pals waiting for us to join him someday.
We feel blessed to have had him with us all of these years and loved every second with him. We will miss him.
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