Outside my window...the pear trees are starting to blossom as are the tulip magnolia trees, including the one we planted in honor of our dear departed Jack Russell Terrier, Sherman.
I am thinking...about our decision to leave our church in the next few months. It's going to be difficult to leave, but I know that it is what we are supposed to do.
I am thankful...that God is giving me such a sense of peace in regards to our decision.
In the kitchen...hamburgers tonight. Also, Trader Joe's scrumptious garlic fries and homemade broccoli salad with craisins and almonds. Mmmmm.
I am wearing...blue jeans, a chartreuse short sleeve shirt and tennis shoes.
I am creating...a Celtic Cross. I am going in to Ivan's class next week to be their Friday Friend. When I signed-up for the job I thought that I could read a book and not make a craft, however, I have since been informed (by Ivan) that the FF's always make a craft. So, this is what I am going to make with the class.
I am going...to a skating rink called Jelly Beans with Ivan and a classmate today. He is out of school today and we thought that this would be a great way to spend the day!
I am wondering...
I am reading...The Runaway Jury by John Grisham. I enjoyed my re-reading of The Firm so much that I borrowed this one from the library for my Kindle.
I am hoping...that the transition as we leave our church will go smoothly and that we will show grace and class as we exit.
I am looking forward to...our beach trip in a few weeks! We are going to the beach for Ivan's Spring Break and we are all excited about it. Even our little Terrier, Oliver, likes the beach!
I am learning...how to solution an irritating problem! For far too long I have given-up on keeping Ivan's bathroom sink clean. He brushes his teeth twice a day and appears unable, at this age, to not leave toothpaste streaks. I would scrub his sink and within a few hours it would have toothpaste streaks in it again. So, since I really dislike futility I just abandoned the sink as a lost cause. However, it bothered me that his sink LOOKED like that! Yesterday morning I was walking by and it hit me. Scrub his sink today and just wipe it clean every morning after he goes to school. That way it will be clean all day, just the way I like it. Ahh. Feeling better already.
Around the house...I hear Ivan listening to a book on CD in his room. Other than that it is fairly quiet.
I am pondering...why I get so nervous and worked-up over getting things wrong. I mean really, is the world going to end if I make a mistake?
A favorite quote for today...Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7
One of my favorite things...is a date night with my husband J. We need to plan one of those soon, however, I know that it won't be until after March Madness!
A few plans for the rest of the week: I will be cleaning the house for our guest next week, J's best friend is coming for the weekend. Also, I will be getting things ready for Ivan's birthday next Sunday!
A peek into my day...I love looking out of my window and seeing one of these Eastern Blue Birds. I am blessed to see them all year long here in NC.

Thanks to Peggy for hosting the Simple Woman's Daybook!
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